In the aftermath of a devastating personal crisis, Chloe finds herself engulfed in deep depression. Once full of life and energy, she has become a shadow of herself, overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and isolation. As her mental state worsens, she feels detached from life itself and plagued by her inner demons. Just when all hope seems lost, her best friend Lucy enters the fray, determined to help her through this trying time. With unwavering support, Lucy encourages Chloe to confront her struggles head-on. Through gentle nudges and heartfelt conversations, Lucy helps Chloe tackle simple tasks and gives her the motivation she needs to claw her way out of the muck. Lucy serves as a beacon of hope, motivating Chloe to rediscover her passion and confidence. Their time together is filled with laughter, shared memories, and tough love that pushes Chloe to reclaim her life. As each day passes, she begins to emerge from the shadows, embracing joy, friendship, and the vibrant world around her once again. With Lucy’s goal achieved, she decides it’s to leave but gives her dear friend the parting gift she most desperately yearned for: one last goodbye.